The book is a wonderful window into the life of a young girl dealing with change, friendships, and a desire to be accepted. A great read for any child in learning about embracing our uniqueness and differences.
- Chun K.
This book was a great addition to our home library. My child loved the illustrations and learning about the day to day equipment Gabriela uses. My child saw someone using a wheelchair in our community the week we read this book and quickly connected to Gabriela’s purple wheelchair. That’s exactly what we want when we read to our little ones- to make beautiful connections to what we read and what we see in our world!
- Amazon Reviewer
We just got your book at home! Wow!!!! Congratulations and thank you for putting on paper and in a sweet and beautiful way the kids CP journey. I am in tears, in a warm and emotional way. Looking forward to read it with (my child)
- Dulce M.
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Desiree Da Costa is an accomplished developmental service worker with a keen interest in pediatric healthcare and rehabilitation. All About Me and Cerebral Palsy is based on Da Costa’s own lived experience with cerebral palsy while attending a specialized school for children with disabilities from junior kindergarten to Grade 1. With the help of her teacher, educational assistants, an occupational therapist, and a physiotherapist, Da Costa’s Grade 1 classroom project involved each student creating their own version of an All About Me book to share with students at their new schools.
During her time at her new school, which she started in Grade 2, Da Costa was the only student with a physical disability. Her hope for All About Me and Cerebral Palsy is that other children with cerebral palsy can identify with it and use it as a teaching tool for those with and without cerebral palsy.
In Da Costa’s free time she enjoys watching hockey, baking cookies, and spending time with her dog.
Follow Desiree online @allaboutmeandcerebralpalsy
During her time at her new school, which she started in Grade 2, Da Costa was the only student with a physical disability. Her hope for All About Me and Cerebral Palsy is that other children with cerebral palsy can identify with it and use it as a teaching tool for those with and without cerebral palsy.
In Da Costa’s free time she enjoys watching hockey, baking cookies, and spending time with her dog.
Follow Desiree online @allaboutmeandcerebralpalsy